Fundamentals of Sociology is an introduction to the definition, methods and fundamental concepts of sociology. The book prepares the ground for the study of the origins and structures of society and social groups in correlation with other social sciences. In doing so the author looks into the most important facet of social structure—social institutions—which in their varied forms act as agents of socialization and social control.
Dwelling upon key issues in sociology this book details:
A comprehensive work, this book has over four decades had a definitive influence on the discipline of sociology. It will continue to be immensely useful for students and teachers.
Pascual Gisbert was formerly Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology of St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai and lectured to post-graduate students at the University of Mumbai. He had an academic grounding in Classics, Philosophy and Theology in Europe, then studied sociology at the London School of Economics, and later at the Institute of Social Sciences at St. Louis University, Missouri, USA. During this time he was a visiting lecturer to undergraduate students at Rockhurst College. Missouri. Gisbert also contributed articles to various Spanish and English publications.