Presentations, belonging to a set of four books on business skills, is designed to help non-native speakers prepare and make presentations in English. The book gives useful tips on what makes a good presentation and how to prepare for it, presentation language and evaluation checklists for the learner to use when preparing and after giving a presentation.
Preparing the Presentation
Introduction Purpose People Place, seating, equipment Presenting yourself Using your voice Body language Timing Preparing visuals Using visuals Content Structure
Putting it into Words
Preparing the main message Key words Word families Talking about trends Presentation phrases Beginning the presentation Stating the purpose Referring to handouts The main content Involving the audience Changing to another topic Referring to other parts of the talk Talking about options Advantages and disadvantages Emphasising important points Referring to visuals Making recommendations Summarising and concluding Dealing with questions Farewell
Evaluating the Presentation
Before the presentation Giving the presentation After the presentation