Essential Clinical Surgery, Second Edition
Stanley Mathew
216 x 280 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

Essential Clinical Surgery is a contemporary resource for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students. The second edition of this book is aimed at providing students with an understanding of the basic tenets of clinical surgery and at retaining and building on the following objectives of the first edition:

1. To describe the art of eliciting history and physical signs without ambiguity
2. To present up-to-date clinical material relevant to the practice of clinical surgery in India
3. To use appropriate clinical photographs and an algorithmic approach to corroborate and augment the textual description

Essential Clinical Surgery is aimed at filling a void that exists in the currently available clinical resources which either lack clarity in describing clinical signs, allude to diseases that are only of historical importance or describe obsolete investigations. This book is a contemporary Indian clinical resource which will augment the clinical material available to students of surgery (particularly in private medical colleges where student intake is in excess of the clinical material available for adequate exposure and training of medical students) as well as help teachers to supplement clinical instruction (particularly in government medical colleges which are equipped with a profusion of clinical material but are plagued with faculty shortage). Another trend of concern is the proliferation of super specialty departments in medical colleges, whose contribution to undergraduate teaching is virtually negligible, resulting in the broad specialties losing numbers and the range of patients available for undergraduate tutelage.
Essential Clinical Surgery is meant to help bridge this gap between the inadequate spectrum of clinical material available to students and the dearth of teachers who can provide quality clinical instruction.

Dr Stanley Mathew, MS, DNB, FRCS Ed., is Professor and Head of the Department of General Surgery, at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. He has been teaching general surgery to undergraduate medical students and postgraduates in general surgery for more than 20 years.

  1. History
  2. Physical examination
  3. Investigations and diagnosis
  4. Ulcer, sinus and fistula
  5. Lumps and swellings
  6. Arterial system
  7. Venous system 
  8. Lymphatic system 
  9. Hands and feet 
  10. Bones and joints
  11. Peripheral nerves
  12. Breast
  13. Thyroid
  14. Head and neck
  15. Oral cavity
  16. Salivary glands 
  17. Acute abdomen
  18. Chronic abdomen
  19. Abdominal lumps
  20. Jaundice 
  21. Rectum and anal canal 
  22. Hernia and inguinoscrotal swellings
  23.  Genitourinary system – internal
  24. Genitourinary system – external
  25. The final examination
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