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Congress President: Speeches, Articles, and Letters January 1938–MAY 1939
Postcolonialism Now: Literature, Reading, Decolonising
Hindi Hindu Histories: Caste, Ayurveda, Travel, and Communism in Early Twentieth Century India
A Princely Impostor? - The Kumar of Bhawal and the Secret History of Indian Nationalism
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. IX, 1949–51
A Critical History of Women’s Health in Modern Sri Lanka
Safdar Hashmi: Towards Theatre for a Democracy (Reissue)
Safdar Hashmi: Towards Theatre for a Democracy
Resistance as Negotiation: Making States and Tribes in the Margins of Modern India
Vallabhbhai Patel: The Limitations of Anti-Colonial Nationalism and Electoral Politics
The Brief History of A Very Big Book: The Making of the Tamil Encyclopaedia
Punjabi Centuries: Tracing Histories of Punjab
Discovering India Anew: Out of Africa to Its Early History (Reissue)
Finding Forgotten Cities: How the Indus Civilization was Discovered
Punjabi Centuries: Tracing Histories of Punjab
Four Chapters
Green and Saffron: The RSS, Modi, and Indian Environmental Politics
Pandaiya Indiyavil Asokar, translated to Tamil from Ashoka in Ancient India
A Short History of African American Literature
Lost Letters and Feminist History: The Political Friendship of Mohandas K. Gandhi and Sarala Devi Chaudhurani
Discovering India Anew: Out of Africa to Its Early History
Subaltern Studies: A Short Introduction
Gandhi’s Australia, Australia’s Gandhi
Gandhi’s Australia, Australia’s Gandhi
Across the Green Sea: Histories from the Western Indian Ocean 1440–1640
Religion and Empire in Portuguese India: Conversion, Resistance, and the Making of Goa
Adivasi Art And Activism: Curation in a Nationalist Age
Elections, Parties, and Coalitions in India: Theory and Recent History
A Short History of Australian Literature
Ayurveda, Nation and Society: United Provinces, c. 1890–1950
Pracheen Bharat: Pragaitihasik Kal Se 300 Isvi Tak
Perilous Intimacies: Debating Hindu–Muslim Friendship After Empire
Essays Of A Lifetime: Reformers, Nationalists, Subalterns
Hindutva and Violence: V.D. Savarkar and the Politics of History
The G N Devy Reader: After Amnesia, ‘Of Many Heroes’, The Being of Bhasha and Countering Violence
Symbols of Substance: Court and State in Nayaka Period Tamilnadu
Steel Town Adivasis: Industry and Inequality in Eastern India
Tamiznattil aarambakaala kaalaniya arasu 1700–1835: marapuvazi samudaayamum kovilgalum (Tamil)
Abundance: Sexuality’s History
Explorations in Colonial Bengal: Essays on Religion, Society, and Culture
Gender and Modernity in Kerala: Politics, Praxes, Paradoxes
Deconstruction and Poststructuralism
Ecologies of Empire In South Asia: 1400–1900
Wives and Widows at Work: Women’s Labour in Agrarian Bengal, Then and Now
Bharatbarser Itihas: Kristapurva 300 abdo theke kristiya 750 abdo (Bangla)
Scripts of Power: Writing, Language Practices, and Cultural History in Western India
The Nilgiri Hills: A Kaleidoscope of People, Culture, and Nature
Urdu Crime Fiction, 1890–1950: An Informal History
Edward Said: A Critical Introduction
Failed Masculinities: The Men in Satyajit Ray’s Films
Who Is a Muslim? Orientalism and Literary Populisms
Identity and Marginality in Northeast India: Challenges for Social Science Research
A Passage To Europe: The Global Politics of Mobility in the Age of Revolutions
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. VIII, 1946–48
Caste In Bengal: Histories of Hierarchy, Exclusion, and Resistance
Anthropologist and Imperialist: H.H. Risley and British India, 1873–1911
Tagore’s University: A History of Visva-Bharati 1921–1961
Understanding B.R. Ambedkar’s ANNIHILATION OF CASTE: With the Full Text of ANNIHILATION OF CASTE
Making Bureaucracy Work: Norms, Education, and Public Service Delivery in Rural India
Nationalist Thought And The Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse?
Letters to Emilie Schenkl 1934–1942
Mikhail Bakhtin: A Critical Introduction
Abid Hasan Safrani: Netaji’s Comrade-in-Arms
Gandhi’s Travels in Tamil Nadu
Gandhi’s Travels in Tamil Nadu
India’s Economy from Nehru to Modi: A Brief History
Scripts of Power: Writing, Language Practices, and Cultural History in Western India
Postsecular Theory: Texts and Contexts
India's Greenfield Urban Future: The Politics of Land, Planning and Infrastructure
India’s Economy from Nehru to Modi: A Brief History
Periyar: A Study in Political Atheism
Searching For Ashoka: Questing for a Buddhist King from India to Thailand
The Sickle & the Scalpel
Poetry of Kings: The Classical Hindi Literature of Mughal India
Domesticity And Power In The Early Mughal World: Historicizing the Haram
The Brief History of a Very Big Book: The Making of the Tamil Encyclopaedia
Caste in Bengal: Histories of Hierarchy, Exclusion, and Resistance
An Indian Pilgrim: An Unfinished Autobiography
The Essential Writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
Data Centres as Infrastructure: Frontiers of Digital Governance in Contemporary India
Subjugated Nomads: The Lambadas under the Rule of the Nizams
The Indian Struggle 1920–1942
Hindutva And Violence: V.D. Savarkar and the Politics of History
Seeking History through Her Source: South of the Vindhyas
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. VII, 1940–46
Tagore’s University: A History of Visva-Bharati 1921–1961
Hindu Nationalism In India: With an Introduction by Amrita Basu
Consolidating Empire: Power and Elites in Jahangir’s India 1605–1627
Early Buddhist Society: The World of Gautama Buddha
The Struggle for Narmada: An Oral History of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, by Adivasi Leaders Keshavbhau and Kevalsingh Vasave
Disciplines and Movements: Conversations between India and the German-speaking World
Bombay Cinema's Islamicate Histories
The Mughals And The Sufis: Islam and Political Imagination in India 1500–1750
Bangladesh: Writings on 1971, Across Borders
Religion and Empire in Portuguese India: Conversion, Resistance, and the Making of Goa
Bastar: Rajnitik, Samajik evam Sanskritik Itihas
Being and Becoming Multilingual
Nandshankar: A Portrait in Nineteenth-century Surat
A Cultural History of Telangana: From the Earliest Times to 1724 AD
Azad Hind: Netaji Collected Works, volume 11
In Burmese Prisons: Correspondence May 1923–July 1926, Netaji Collected Works, volume 3
Lived Stories
Chalo Delhi: Writings and Speeches 1943–1945, Netaji Collected Works, volume 12
Foreshadowing the Great Rebellion: The Vellore Revolt, 1806
Who Is a Muslim? Orientalism and Literary Populisms
Gendering Minorities: Muslim Women and the Politics of Modernity
The Mughals And The Sufis: Islam and Political Imagination in India 1500–1750
The Chipko Movement: A People’s History
Nations and Nationalisms: A Short Introduction
The Formation and History of Telangana: A Collection of Nine Critical Essays
Outcaste Bombay: City Making and the Politics of the Poor
Elementary Aspects of the Political: Histories from the Global South
Impossible and Necessary: Anticolonialism, Reading, and Critique
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. VI, 1936–39
Vidyasagar: Reflections on a Notable Life
Religion and Secularities: Reconfiguring Islam in Contemporary India
The Orient BlackSwan Atlas for Competitive Exams, Second Edition, with Orient BlackSwan Smart App
The Chipko Movement: A People's History
Selections from the Prison Notebooks
Making Sense Of Indian Democracy: Theory as Practice
I Am The People: Reflections on Popular Sovereignty Today
Dust and Smoke: Air Pollution and Colonial Urbanism, India, c.1860–c.1940
Modernity, its Pathologies and Reenchantments
The (Un)governable City: Productive Failure in the Making of Colonial Delhi, 1858–1911
After the Revolution
Making the Modern Slum: The Power of Capital in Colonial Bombay
Sangam Atlas Pratiyogee Pareekshaon ke liye (Second edition) with Smart App
ADHUNIK BHARAT KA ITIHAS, New Edition with Smart App
Madhyakaleen Bharat: Rajniti, Samaj Aur Sanskriti, New Edition with Smart App
Making Sense Of Indian Democracy: Theory as Practice
History of Medieval India
History of Modern India
Padi Bhavajalaalu: Vyavasayika, Paarisraamika Samajala Madya oka Maha Antharamlo neti Sankshobha Mulaalu
Anthropological Perspectives on Indian Tribes
Striving for Equity: Healthcare in Sri Lanka from Independence to the Millennium, 1948–2000
Citizenship in a Caste Polity: Religion, Language and Belonging in Goa
Sirajuddaullah and the East India Company 1756–1757: Background to the Foundation of British Power in India
Through War, Rebellion and Riot
The Limits of Empire: Sub-imperialism and Pukhtun Resistance in the North-West Frontier
Social History of an Indian Caste: The Kayasths of Hyderabad (Third Edition)
Fiction As History: The Novel and the City in Modern North India
Where Histories Reside: India as Filmed Space
Rethinking Social Justice
Interpretations of Jihad in South Asia: An Intellectual History
The Strangeness of Tamil Nadu: Contemporary History and Political Culture in South India
Plain Speaking: A Sudra's Story
I Am the People: Reflections on Popular Sovereignty Today
The Muslim World In Modern South Asia: Power, Authority, Knowldege
Slender was the Thread: Kashmir Confrontation, 1947–48
The Languages of Goa, Volume 8, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. V, 1931–35
Reading India: Selections from The Economic Weekly, Volume 1 (1949-1965)
India in Edinburgh: 1750s to the Present
Imperialists, Nationalists, Democrats: The Collected Essays
Servants' Pasts: Late-Eighteenth to Twentieth-Century South Asia – Vol. 2
Holy Science: The Biopolitics of Hindu Nationalism
Understanding Mughal India: Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries
Servants' Pasts: Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century, South Asia, Vol. 1
Gandhi's Search for the Perfect Diet: Eating with the World in Mind
History and Collective Memory In South Asia 1200–2000
Till Kingdom Come: Medieval Hinduism in the Modern Himalaya
Uncertain Glory: A Novel translated from the Catalan by Peter Bush
Reading India: Selections from Economic and Political Weekly, Volume III (1991–2017)
The Pleasures at Your Side: Papers from the Wanaparthy Samasthan, 1832–1911
Bhakti and Power: Debating India’s Religion of the Heart
The Concept Of Bharatavarsha And Other Essays
Looking Back: The 1947 Partition of India, 70 Years On
Partition’s Legacies
Revolution in Reform: Trade-Unionism in Lahore, c. 1920–70
Ten Ideologies: The Great Asymmetry between Agrarianism and Industrialism
Children’s Games, Adults’ Gambits: From Vidyasagar to Satyajit Ray
The Great Agrarian Conquest: The Colonial Reshaping of a Rural World
Cosmopolitan Dreams: The Making of Modern Urdu Literary Culture In Colonial South Asia
Revisiting 1956: B. R. Ambedkar and States Reorganisation
Agnipariksha: An Ordeal Remembered
Bhartachi Pahili Lok Sattak Kranti
Sikkimka Bhashaharu, Volume 26, Part 3 (Nepali) - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
The Languages of Sikkim, Volume 26, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
English and Other International Languages, Volume 37 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Jharkhand, Volume 13, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Mizoram, Volume 20, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Gendered Citizenship: Manifestations and Performance
Thinking Gender, Doing Gender: Feminist Scholarship and Practice Today
The Calling of History: Sir Jadunath Sarkar and His Empire of Truth
History of Kerala: Prehistoric to the Present
Himalayan Histories: Economy, Polity, Religious Traditions
Hindu Pasts : Women, Religion, Histories
1857 Ka Vidrohi Jagat : Poorbi Uttar Pradesh Mein
The State of Being Stateless: An Account of South Asia
History and Theory: The Study of State, Institutions and the Making of History
Ten Ideologies: The Great Asymmetry between Agrarianism and Industrialism
Elephants And Kings: An Environmental History
Politics As Performance: A Social History of the Telugu Cinema
The Past of the Outcaste: Readings in Dalit History
The Social History of England (Second Edition)
Document Raj: Writing and Scribes in Early Colonial South India
I am the Widow: An Intellectual Biography of Behramji Malabari
Mayilamma: The Life of a Tribal Eco-Warrior
Zamorins and the Political Culture of Medieval Kerala
Nationalism In The Vernacular: Hindi, Urdu, and the Literature of Indian Freedom
The Great Agrarian Conquest: The Colonial Reshaping of a Rural World
History, Bhakti, And Public Memory - Namdev in Religious and Secular Traditions
Conceptualising Man and Society: Perspectives in Early Indian Sociology
Displaying India’s Heritage: Archaeology and the Museum Movement in Colonial India
The Mahatma, His Philosophy and His Legacy
Three Ways to be Alien: Travails and Encounters in the Early Modern World
Marshalling the Past: Ancient India and its Modern Histories
A National Flag for India
In Diasporic Lands: Tibetan Refugees and their Transformation since the Exodus
Cultural History of Modern India
A Short History of American Literature
Nonviolence in Modern Indian History
Citizenship and its Discontents: An Indian History
Prastavna: Bhashaka Svatva, Volume 1, Part 1 (Hindi) - Bhartiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
The Languages of Madhya Pradesh, Volume 16, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Rajasthan, Volume 25, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Assam, Volume 5, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Maharashtra, Volume 17, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Arunachal Pradesh, Volume 4, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Himachal Pradesh, Volume 11, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Haryana, Volume 10, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Kerala Modernity: Ideas, Spaces and Practices in Transition
Life in Peace and Conflict: Indigeneity and State in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
A Feminist Foremother: Critical Essays on Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
Dalit Women – Honour and Patriarchy in South India
Dalit Studies
Society and Culture in India: A Reader
Contested Hierarchies, Persisting Influence: Caste and Power in Twenty-first Century India
Sons Of Sarasvati : Late Exemplars of the Indian Intellectual Tradition
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. IV, 1926–30
From 'People' To 'Citizen': Democracy's Must Take Road
India’s Foreign Policy: Coping with the Changing World
We Who Wove with Lotus Thread: Summoning Community in South India
Women in Political Thought: The Quest for Gender Equality and Beyond
The Making of the Mahatma
The Indian Ideology: Three Responses to Perry Anderson
Ashoka In Ancient India
Terrestrial Lessons: The Conquest of the World as Globe
Essays Of A Lifetime: Reformers, Nationalists, Subalterns
History of Modern Telangana
Knowing the Social World-Perspectives and Possibilities
Crossing Borders: Essays on Literature, Culture, and Society in Honor of Amritjit Singh
Law and Identity In Colonial South Asia: Parsi Legal Culture 1772–1947
Sociology and History: Dialogues Towards Integration
The Concept Of Bharatavarsha And Other Essays
Looking Back: The 1947 Partition of India, 70 Years On
Labour State And Society In Rural India: A Class-Relational Approach
Banaras Reconstructed: Architecture and Sacred Space in a Hindu Holy City
Nature And Nation: Essays on Environmental History
The Gender Of Caste: Representing Dalits in Print
Beyond Caste - Identity and Power in South Asia: Past and Present
Breaking the Silo: Integrated Science Education in India
Unconditional Equality: Gandhi’s Religion of Resistance
Text And Tradition In South India
Print and Pleasure: Popular Literature and Entertaining Fictions in Colonial North India
Haunting Bollywood: Gender, Genre, and the Supernatural in Hindi Commercial Cinema
Bodies Of Song: Kabir Oral Traditions and Performative Worlds in North India
Writing The First Person: Literature, History, and Autobiography in Modern Kerala
Raising the Curtain: Recasting Women Performers in India
Pharmocracy: Value, Politics, and Knowledge in Global Biomedicine
Intimate Relations: Social Reform and the Late Nineteenth-Century South Asian Novel
Essays on Modern India
Fiction As History - The Novel and the City in Modern North India
Much Ado Over Coffee - Indian Coffee House Then and Now
Navigating the Labyrinth: Perspectives on India’s Higher Education
The Past of the Outcaste: Readings in Dalit History
Odishara Bhasha Samooh, Volume 22, Part 3 (Odiya) - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
Gujarat, Diu-Daman ane Dadra Nagar Havelini Bhasha, Volume 9, Part 3 - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (Gujarati) (BBLS)
The Languages of Tripura, Volume 28, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Manipur, Volume 18, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Gitanjali Reborn: William Radice's Writings on Rabindranath Tagore
The Languages of Punjab, Volume 24, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Puducherry, Volume 23, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Nagaland, Volume 21, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Dalit Studies
Thinking Gender, Doing Gender: Feminist Scholarship and Practice Today
Telangana Charitra-Samskruthi Rashtra Avatharana Udyamaalu (Telugu original)
The Mughal Nobility : Two Political Biographies
Zamorins and the Political Culture of Medieval Kerala
The Hoodlum Years
Unconditional Equality: Gandhi’s Religion of Resistance
Text And Tradition In South India
Politics and the Right to Work: India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Gramsci’s Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives
Samagra Andhurla Charitra - Samskruthi Charithara Purvayugam nunchi Rashtra Vibhajana, Ananthara Parinamala Varaku (Telugu)
New Perspectives in the History of Indian Education
Rupture, Loss and Living: Minority Women Speak about Post-conflict Life
Writing The First Person: Literature, History, and Autobiography in Modern Kerala
Revisiting India’s Partition: New Essays on Memory, Culture, and Politics
The Alchemy of Empire: Abject Materials and the Technologies of Colonialism
When Sun Meets Moon: Gender, Eros, and Ecstasy in Urdu Poetry
Languished Hopes: Tuberculosis, the State and International Assistance in Twentieth-century India
A Rule Of Property For Bengal :An Essay on the Idea of Permanent Settlement
Hating Empire Properly:India, the Indies, and Enlightenment Anticolonialism
Shades of Difference: Selected Writings of Rabindranath Tagore
Selling Empire: India in the Making of Britain and America, 1600–1830
Leader Of Youth-Netaji Collected Works Volume 6
Unifying Hinduism - Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History
Nursing and Empire: Gendered Labor and Migration from India to the United States
Decolonisation and the Politics of Transition in South Asia
Desire and Defiance: A Study of Bengali Women in Love, 1850-1930
Sarasvatichandra Part II: Gunasundari’s Household
The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology
The Calling of History: Sir Jadunath Sarkar and His Empire of Truth
Madhya Pradesh Ki Bhashayen, Volume 16, Part 1 (Hindi) - Bharatiya Bhasha LokSarvekshan (BBLS)
Jharkhand Ki Bhashayen, Volume 13, Part 1 (Hindi) - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
Himachal Pradesh Ki Bhashayen, Volume 11, Part 1 (Hindi) - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
Chattisgarh Ki Bhashayen, Volume 7, Part 1 (Hindi) - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
The Languages of Tamil Nadu, Volume 27, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Kerala Modernity: Ideas, Spaces and Practices in Transition
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. III, 1923–25
Founts of Knowledge
The Languages of Uttarakhand, Volume 30, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Kerala and Lakshadweep, Volume 15 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
India’s Foreign Policy: Coping with the Changing World
Beyond Caste: Identity and Power in South Asia: Past and
The State of Being Stateless: An Account of South Asia
Bodies Of Song: Kabir Oral Traditions and Performative Worlds in North India
Sarasvatichandra Part I: Buddhidhan’s Administration
Ashoka in Ancient India
Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India
Shades of Difference : Selected Writings of Rabindranath Tagore
Palashi Theke Partition O Tarpor: Adhunik Bharater Itihash
The Gender Of Caste: Representing Dalits in Print
Readings on Dalit Identity: History, Literature and Religion
India's Polity in the Age of Akbar
Army and Nation: The Military and Indian Democracy since
India’s First Democratic Revolution: Dayanand Bandodkar and the Rise of the Bahujan in Goa
Violence and the Burden of Memory: Remembrance and Erasure in Sinhala Consciousness
MODERN TIMES: INDIA 1880s – 1950s : Environment, Economy, Culture
Rule by Numbers: Governmentality and Colonial India
A Place for Utopia: Urban Designs from South Asia
Conquest and Community: The Afterlife of Warrior Saint Ghazi Miyan
The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology
Nature and Nation : Essays on Environmental History
Hindu Pasts : Women, Religion, Histories
In the Club: Associational Life in Colonial South Asia
Palassi se Vibhajan Tak aur Uske Baad : Adhunik Bharat Ka Itihas
Finding Forgotten Cities - How the Indus Civilization was Discovered
Displaying India’s Heritage: Archaeology and the Museum Movement in Colonial India
Elephants and Kings: An Environmental History
Army and Nation : The Military and Indian Democracy since Independence
Partial Recall: Essays on Literature and Literary History
Beloved Bapu : The Gandhi-Mirabehn Correspondence
Rajasthan Ki Bhashayen, Volume 25, Part 1 (Hindi) - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
Uttarakhand Ki Bhashayen, Volume 30, Part 1 (Hindi) - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
Indian Sign Language(s), Volume 38 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Jammu & Kashmir, Volume 12 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Meghalaya, Volume 19, Part 2 - People's Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Cultural History of Early South Asia: A Reader
Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia
Tranquebar—Whose History? Transnational Cultural Heritage in a Former Danish Trading Colony in South India
Beyond Tranquebar: Grappling Across Cultural Borders in South India
The Being of Bhasha: A General Introduction, Volume 1 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. I, 1907–21
Rabindranath Tagore : One Hundred Years of Global Reception
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. II, 1921–22
Cine-Politics: Film Stars and Political Existence in South India
Hindu-Catholic Engagements in Goa: Religion, Colonialism, and Modernity
New Perspectives in the History of Indian Education
The Year of Blood. Essays on the Revolt of 1857
From Plassey to Partition and After: A History of Modern India
Modern Times: India1880s – 1950s - Environment, Economy, Culture
The Past Before Us - Historical Traditions of Early North India
Reconsidering Untouchability : Chamars and Dalit History in North India
The Problem of Caste
Persistence of Poverty in India
Rethinking Western India : The Changing Contexts of Culture, Society and Religion
Ideas, Institutions, Processes: Essays in Memory of Satish Saberwal
Out of Line : Cartoons, Caricature and Contemporary India
Early Medieval Indian Society : A Study in Feudalisation
Nature without Borders
Unsettling the Past: Unknown Aspects and Scholarly Assessments of D.D. Kosambi
Imperialists, Nationalists, Democrats: The Collected Essays
Integration of the Indian States
Sufivaad: Kuchh Mahatvpurna Lekh
Duty, Destiny and Glory: The Life of C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar
Revisiting 1956: B. R. Ambedkar and States Reorganisation
A History of English Literature: Traversing the Centuries
Citizenship and its Discontents: An Indian History
Memories and Movements: Borders and Communities in Banni, Kutch, Gujarat
Memory, Identity, Power: Politics in the Junglemahals, 1890–1950 (Second Edition)
The 'Medieval' in Film: Representing a Contested Time on the Indian Screen (1920s-1960s)
War and Peace in Modern India: A Strategic History of the Nehru Years
Caste in Modern India: A Reader (Two Volume Set)
Is ‘Indian Civilization’ A Myth? Fictions and Histories
Dharmanand Kosambi: The Essential Writings
Atomic State
The History of Education in Modern India, 1757-2012
Fictionalising Myth and History: A Study of Four Postcolonial Novels
The Writings of Pamela Price: State, Politics, and Cultures in Modern South India: Honour, Authority, and Morality
The Black Hole of Empire: History of a Global Practice of Power
The Unquiet Woods (Twentieth Anniversary Edition):Ecological Change and Peasant Resistance in the Himalaya
Political Culture and Economy in Eighteenth-Century Bengal: Networks of Exchange, Consumption and Communication
Gendered Citizenship: Historical and Conceptual Explorations
The Past Before Us: Historical Traditions of Early North India
Creative Pasts: Historical Memory and Identity in Western India 1700-1960
Ideas and Institutions in Medieval India, Eighth to Eighteenth Centuries
Ideas and Institutions in Medieval India, Eighth to Eighteenth Centuries
The Language of Secular Islam: Urdu Nationalism and Colonial India
India's Environmental History—A Reader: Vol. 1: From Ancient Times to the Colonial Period; Vol. 2: Colonialism, Modernity, and the Nation
History of the Bengali People: From Earliest Times to the Fall of the Sena Dynasty
Bharat ka Itihas: 1707 se 1857 tak
Night of the Gods: Durga Puja and the Legitimation of Power in Rural Bengal
Exclusion, Social Capital and Citizenship: Contested Transitions in South Africa and India
Gendering Colonial India: Reforms, Print, Caste and Communalism
Who Wants Democracy?
Adhunik Bharater Itihash
Soulmates: The Story of Mahatma Gandhi and Hermann Kallenbach
Colored Cosmopolitanism: The Shared Struggle for Freedom in the United States and India
Bhartiya Itihas ka Adikal
Polio Eradication and Its Discontents: A Historian’s Journey Through an International Public Health (Un)Civil War
Media and Modernity: Communications, Women, and the State in India
Politics as Performance
Environment, Technology and Development: Critical and Subversive Essays
Memsahibs’ Writings: Colonial Narratives on Indian Women
Gender, Sex and the City: Urdu Rekhti Poetry, 1780-1870
Madhyakaleen Bharat ka Sanskritik Itihas
Other Orientalisms: India between Florence and Bombay, 1860–1900
The Powerful Ephemeral: Everyday Healing In an Ambiguously Islamic Place
Unsettling The Past: Unknown aspects and Scholarly Assessments of D.D. Kosambi
North-East India: A Handbook of Anthropology
The History of Assam: From Yandabo to Partition
Islam in South Asia: A Short History
Ahmedabad: Shock City of Twentieth-Century India
Decolonization in South Asia: Meanings of Freedom in Post-independence West Bengal, 1947–52
The Tulsi and the Cross: Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter in Goa
India and Central Asia: A Reader
Empire and Nation: Essential Writings 1985-2005
The Trajectories of the Indian State: Politics and Ideas
English Heart, Hindi Heart land: The Political Life of Literature in India
Inter-Sections: Essays on Indian Literatures, Translations and Popular Consciousness
The Black Hole of Empire: History of a Global Practice of Power
The Imaginary Institution of India: Politics and Ideas
The Enchantment of Democracy and India: Politics and Ideas
Economics and is Stories
Marshalling the Past: Ancient India and its Modern Histories
Kerala’s Gulf Connection, 1998–2011: Economic and Social Impact of Migration
Subaltern Studies XII: Muslims, Dalits, and the Fabrications of History
History, Historians and Development Policy: A Necessary Dialogue
Ecological Nationalisms: Nature, Livelihoods, and Identities in South Asia
Medical Pluralism in Contemporary India
Unfinished Gestures: Devadasis, Memory, and Modernity in South India
The Political Structure of Early Medieval South India
Engines of Change: The Railroads That Made India
Pedagogy for Religion: Missionary Education and the Fashioning of Hindus and Muslims in Bengal
The Writings of Bipan Chandra: The Making of Modern India: From Marx to Gandhi
The Writings of Richard Falk: Towards Humane Global Governance
A Concise History of Modern Europe: Liberty, Equality, Solidarity
Hill Politics in Northeast India
Nature, Environment and Society: Conservation, Governance and Transformation in India
Literature and Nationalist Ideology: Writing Histories of Modern Indian Languages
Sunset of the Sikh Empire
Sacrificing People: Invasions of a Tribal Landscape
The Partitions of Memory: The Afterlife of the Division of India
Itihas-Lekh: Ek Pathyapustak
Caste, Conflict, and Ideology: Mahatma Jotirao Phule and Low Caste Protest in Nineteenth-Century Western India
Feminine Power in the Mahabharata
Windows Into a Revolution: Ethnographies of Maoism in India and Nepal
Behind the Veil: Resistance, Women, and the Everyday in Colonial South Asia
Demography and Democracy: Essays on Nationalism, Gender and Ideology
Feminist Vision or ‘Treason Against Men’? :Kashibai Kanitkar and the Engendering of Marathi Literature
Women And Social Reform in Modern India (Two Volume Set)
Invincibility, Challenges and Leadership
Dalit Personal Narratives: Reading Caste, Nation and Identity
Histories For the Subordinated
From Hindi to Urdu: A Social and Political History
Before the Divide: Hindi and Urdu Literary Culture
The Social History of England
A Grief to Bury: Memories of Love, Work & Loss
Society and History of Gujarat since 1800: A Select Bibliography of the English and European Language Sources
Adivasis in Colonial India: Survival, Resistance and Negotiation
Adivasis and the Raj: Socio-economic Transition of the Hos, 1820-1932
The Call of the Sea: Kachchhi Traders in Muscat and Zanzibar, c. 1800–1880
Communalism & The Intelligentsia in Bihar, 1870–1930
Stages of Life: Indian Theatre Autobiographies
Partial Recall: Essays on Literature and Literary History
Three Ways to be Alien: Travails and Encounters in the Early Modern World
The Rise of a Folk God: Vitthal of Pandharpur
Changing Homelands: Hindu Politics and the Partition of India
India’s Environmental History—A Reader: (Vol. 1: From Ancient Times to the Colonial Period, Vol. 2: Colonialism, Modernity, and the Nation)
Adhuniko Bharat Itihas (Odiya)
The Indian Army and the Making of Punjab
The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal 1903–1908
Crossing Thresholds: Feminist Essays in Social History
India’s Spokesman Abroad: Letters, Articles, Speeches and Statements 1933–1937
The Making of a Small State: Populist Social Mobilisation and the Hindi Press in the Uttarakhand Movement
"When the War Began We Heard of Several Kings": South Asian Prisoners in World War I Germany
Indian Diaspora in the United States: Brain Drain or Gain?
Unifying Hinduism: Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History
Writing the Mughal World: Studies in Political Culture
Violence and Belonging: Land, Love and Lethal Conflict in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan
Other Landscapes: Colonialism and the Predicament of Authority in Nineteenth-Century South India
Unruly Hills: Nature and Nation in India’s Northeast
Indian Secularism: A Social and Intellectual History 1890-1950
Sacrificing People: Invasions of a Tribal Landscape
The Small Voice of History: Collected Essays
The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia
Exploring Medieval India, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries: Culture, Gender and Regional Patterns Vol. II
Speaking of Gandhi's Death
Print Areas: Book History in India
Historical Demography and Agrarian Regimes: Understanding Southern Indian Fertility, 1881–1981
The Everyday State and Society in Modern India
India and China in the Colonial World
Social Movements and Cultural Currents 1789–1945 : Themes in Modern European History
For the Record: On Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in India
Dilli : Pracheen Itihas (Hindi)
The Global Eradication of Smallpox
Left Politics in Bengal: Time Travels among Bhadralok Marxists
Shivaji and his times
Dalit Assertion in Society, Literature and History
History in the Vernacular
The Westward Traveller (Translated from the original Bengali Paschimjatriki)
M K Gandhi's Hind Swaraj: A Critical Edition
Madhyakaleen Bharat: Prashasan, Samaj Evam Sanskriti (Hindi)
The Unquiet Woods (Twentieth Anniversary Edition): Ecological Change and Peasant Resistance in the Himalaya
The Last Musha’irah of Dehli
A Concise History of Modern Architecture In India
Subjugated Nomads: The Lambadas under the Rule of the Nizams
The Sundarbans: Folk Deities, Monsters and Mortals
The Nationalization of Hindu Traditions: Bharatendu Harischandra and Nineteenth-Century Banaras
The Enchantment of Democracy and India: Politics and Ideas
The Melodramatic Public: Film Form and Spectatorship in Indian Cinema
Exploring Medieval India, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries: Politics, Economy, Religion Vol. I
History of India 1707–1857
The Idea of Gujarat: History, Ethnography and Text
Macaulay: The Tragedy of Power
Imagining the Urban: Sanskrit and the City
The Emergence of the Delhi Sultanate: AD 1192-1286
Telecommunications Industry in India: State, Business and Labour in a Global Economy
The Trajectories of the Indian State: Politics and Ideas
Dharmanand Kosambi: The Essential Writings - Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction
A Concise History of Indian Literature in English
Renaissance Reborn: In Search of a Historical Paradigm
Ganga and Yamuna: River Goddesses and their Symbolism in Indian Temples
Literature and Nationalist Ideology: Writing Histories of Modern Indian Languages
Adhunik Bharat ka Sanskritik Itihas (Hindi)
Birds in Books: Three Hundred Years of South Asian Ornithology: A Bibliography
India Remembered
Ancient Indian Social History: Some Interpretations
Greek Myths
Roman Myths
Persian Myths
Chinese Myths
Hindu Myths
Through War and Famine: Bengal, 1939–45
Empire and Nation: Essential Writings 1985-2005
Alibis of Empire: Henry Maine and the Ends of Liberal Imperialism
My Life is My Message, Sadhana (1869-1905), Volumes 1-4
The Shanti Sena : Philosophy, History And Action
History through the lens - Perspectives on South Indian Cinema
History of Modern India
Sinhalese Monastic Architecture: The Viharas of Anuradhapura
Pracheen Bharatacha Parichay (Marathi)
Scripting Lives: Narratives of 'Dominant' Women in Kerala
Samkaleen Vishwa Ka Itihas 1890-2008 (Hindi)
History, Bhakti, and Public Memory: Namdev in Religious and Secular Traditions
History of the World: From the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century
A History of Jaipur : c 1503-1938
Rethinking Gandhi and Nonviolent Relationality: Global Perspectives
Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination
Gandhi's Conscience Keeper: C. Rajagopalachari and Indian Politics
Print and Pleasure: Popular Literature and Entertaining Fictions in Colonial North India
Hindu Nationalism: A Reader
Partisans of Allah: Jihad in South Asia
History of the Social Determinants of Health: Global Histories, Contemporary Debates
India’s New Capitalists: Caste, Business, and Industry in a Modern Nation
Writing Life: Three Gujarati Thinkers
A Short History of Aurangzib
Low and Licentious Europeans: Race, Class and ‘White Subalternity’ in Colonial India
From Western Medicine to Global Medicine: The Hospital Beyond the West
Wives, Widows and Concubines: The Conjugal Family Ideal in Colonial India
The Wicked City: Crime and Punishment in Colonial Calcutta
‘Good Women do not inherit Land’: Politics of Land and Gender in India
An Empire of Books: The Naval Kishore Press and the Diffusion of the Printed Word in Colonial India
Gandhi is Gone. Who Will Guide Us Now? Nehru, Prasad, Azad, Vinoba, Kripalani, JP, and Others Introspect, Sevagram, March 1948
Crises and Creativities: Middle Class - Bhadralok in Bengal, c.1939–52
Reflections on Cambridge
Health and Population in South Asia: From Earliest Times to the Present
Power, Knowledge, Medicine: Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals at Home and in the World
The Burden of Refuge: Partition Experience of the Sindhis of Gujarat
Against Stigma: Studies in Caste, Race and Justice since Durban
Pathways of Empire: Circulation, ‘Public Works’ and Social Space in Colonial Orissa, c. 1780–1914
Texts Histories Geographies: Reading Indian Literature
Discovering the Sikhs: Autobiography of a Historian
Landscapes and the Law: Environmental Politics, Regional Histories, and Contests over Nature
Gandhi's Khadi: A History of Contention and Conciliation
Taking Traditional Knowledge to the Market: The Modern Image of the Ayurvedic and Unani Industry, 1980–2000
A Concise History of Indian Literature in English
Moveable Type: Book History in India
A National Flag for India
Biography as History: Indian Perspectives
Women and Social Reform in Modern India (Vol. 1 and 2)
Two Men and Music: Nationalism in the Making of an Indian Classical Tradition
Scandal of Empire, The: India and the Creation of Imperial Britain
Beyond the World of Apu – the films of Satyajit Ray
Architecture in Medieval India: Forms, Contexts, Histories
1857: Essays from Economic and Political Weekly
Writing History in the Soviet Union: Making the Past Work
Poetry and History: Bengali Mangal-kabya and Social Change in Precolonial Bengal
Languages of Political Islam in India c.1200–1800, The
Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine and Science in the Age of Empire
Engendering Individuals
27 Down: New Departures in Indian Railway Studies
Refiguring Unani Tibb: Plural Healing in Late Colonial India
Nation in Imagination: Essays on Nationalism, Sub-Nationalisms and Narration
History of Medieval India
Bharat Itihasher Adiporbo (Bangla original)
Islam and Healing: Loss and Recovery of an Indo-Muslim Medical Tradition 1600-1900
Recovering Subversion: Feminist Politics Beyond the Law
Brahmin and Non-Brahmin: Genealogies of the Tamil Political Present
Hindu Rulers, Muslim Subjects: Islam, Rights, and the History of Kashmir
Trial of Bahadur Shah Zafar, The
Cultural History of Medieval India
Delhi: Ancient History
Rethinking 1857
Agra: Rambles and Recollections of Thomas Smith
Many Lives of a Rajput Queen, The: Heroic Pasts in India C.1500-1900
Hindu Myth, Hindu History - Religion, Art, and Politics
Fall of the Mughal Empire, The: Volumes 1-4
Empire of Books, An: The Naval Kishore Press and the Diffusion of the Printed Word in Colonial India
Imperial Connections: India in the Indian Ocean Arena, 1860–1920
Colonial City and the Challenge of Modernity, The: Urban Hegemonies and Civic Contestations in Bombay City (1900–1925)
A Nomad Called Thief: Reflections on Adivasi Silence
Old Potions, New Bottles: Recasting Indigenous Medicine in Colonial Punjab 1850–1940
India’s Literary History: Essays on the Nineteenth Century
India's Wildlife History: An Introduction
Unbecoming Modern: Colonialism, Modernity, Colonial Modernities
Brahmin and Non-Brahmin: Genealogies of the Tamil Political Present
Decentring Empire: Britain, India and the Transcolonial World
Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity: Jinnah's Early Politics
Caste and Democratic Politics in India
Prarambhik Bharat ka Parichay (Hindi)
Hindu Rulers, Muslims Subjects: Islam Rights and the History of Kashmir
History and the Present
Hindu Wife, Hindu Nation: Community, Religion and Cultural Nationalism
Living Traditions in Contemporary Contexts: The Madhva Matha of Udupi
Caste and Democratic Politics in India
Hindi Nationalism
An Anthropologist among the Marxists and other Essays
The Decline and Fall of the Indus Civilization
Subaltern Studies XI: Community, Gender and Violence
The Question of Faith
Khaki Shorts and Saffron Flags: A Critique of the Hindu Right
Kashmir: Towards Insurgency
An Unusual Raja: Mahatma Gandhi and the Aundh Experiment